Cheers, Abundant Universe!

We received snow yesterday, here in the valley.  It began as I was writing yesterday morning, quickly sticking and making for a slick commute.

It’s a lovely scene this morning – rooftops and evergreen branches coated with snow.  And, for that brief sunrise moment, I again caught the undersides of the clouds glowing with reds and oranges.

May I share with you, Dear One, what, to me, is an amazing feeling?  It’s those moments when I realize what I can do – that I am able and capable; that I have the power to conjure and create; that I can, and I am meant to, live My Purpose.

I mention feeling that – there’s a bit of an explosion in my mind; and, with a really deep, full breath, I get a tingling deep across the muscles through my upper back and shoulders.  I get a sense of feeling lighter, settled, and grounded; yet slightly disconnected from the world around me – The Observer.  I can stand perfectly still, watching everything spin wonderfully around me; or, I can pirouette and spin rhythmically along with it all.  It’s joy, either way.

These knowing moments don’t last; at least, not yet.  My doubts – the programming I’ve been taught to believe, of the exact opposite – that it’s impossible and foolish to believe I can; risky and irresponsible to dare to create; that it will be failure to move forward, venturing into the Unknown, in pursuit of My Purpose.

Yet, these moments, when I know I can do, Dear One; they are filling me up and encouraging me.  Why am I here, but to Rise Up, Stand Up for What Matters to Me, and to Live My Purpose!


So, I offer you this Prompt:

Dear One – when you see the words “Rise Up,” what action does that call forth from you?

What would it mean to live that action?  To do it?

What thoughts and fears stop you?

Think of the role models and people you admire – can you imagine that they had doubts and fears they had to face and overcome?  Often, that is an important piece of why we admire them.

“Rise Up,” Dear One.  Is that phrase calling to you?

Can I help you step into doing, into Living Your Purpose?

Brilliant Conversations


It’s Time!  Living Our Purpose!  Thank you, My Dear Guides!