Grace, Divine Creator –

It’s another morning with heavy gray clouds in the sky; yet, the sun is filtering through in spots, and there are glimpses of blue.  The forecast is for cold through the weekend.

I’ve mentioned before that I have this awareness of myself, that as I work many days in a row in-store, my body aches and my spirit and patience gets depleted.

Is that true?

I mean, on one level, I know that it’s true; because, it is happening.  But, is there a level where I am making it happen; where I am choosing that?

I sometimes wonder how it would be for the Dalai Lama to work retail.

There’s a part of me that assumes even the Dalai Lama would lose his serenity and peace; would get frustrated; would not smile, laugh, and be continuously kind and joyful.

There’s a part of me that thinks he would recognize how a retail job didn’t suit his true nature, and would cause him to close his open heart and lose touch with his compassionate spirit.  Would he simply smile and nod, saying, “Not for me,” and walk away?

Then, there’s a part of me that goes deeper, and wonders what it would really be like to work with someone who was so grounded in kindness, compassion, and joy; whose heart was so open and loving; who didn’t take any of it personally.  A spirit who constantly held delight in her/his heart and shined joy.

A customer is upset? – that is his/her choice.  Love to him/her anyway.  Tired? – I can be anywhere, so why not exactly here?  Able to see it all as energy, kindness practice, and connection.

So, today, I will try to channel my inner Buddha-nature, and work like the Dalai Lama.


And, Today’s Prompt:

Dear One, what can I tell you?

The message today is that there are no absolutes.

When you ask yourself – “Is it true?” – the puzzle is to see more than one answer to that question.

If a story is causing you pain and struggle, challenge yourself to find another answer that could be just as true, but hurts less.  Or, not at all.

Find an answer that sets you free.


I started by assuming the Dalai Lama would become more like me.  Might it be true that I can still become more compassionate and joyful, like the Dalai Lama?  With your loving guidance, My Dear Spirits!