Bright and Rising, O Great Creator!

Bright and rising certainly describes the sun on this frosty cold morning.  There’s also the smoke rising from chimneys in town, and the steam rising from the barn’s metal roof across the way, as the sun’s rays vaporize the white snow patches that remain.

It is almost winter.  The sun is so low in the southern sky that, even at mid-morning, long shadows stretch north across the snow-covered yards.

I sit writing, with a hot cup of coffee and flannel, soaking in this lovely winter view.

I’ve been thinking about ripples, Dear One.  I’ve launched Brilliant Conversations, where I’m looking to talk to you about you.  About what it would mean for you to be more who you want to be.  And, what it might be that’s holding you back from that.

I want to share with you why I think these conversations are so important.  It’s about the ripples.

I long for a world of peace and harmony.  I’ll admit – I don’t know if that’s really possible.

What I have come to realize is that that isn’t really my businessMy world – the world in which I live; the world I affect – that’s my business.  And, when I make the effort to become more who I want to be, I better my world.  I am fuller, happier, and more content.  My spirit shines, lighting the way for others and helping to lift them up.

When you are more who you are meant to be, you brighten your world, too.  Your ripples and my ripples radiate out, shining love and light on others, offering them peace and compassion.  Some of those influenced by our ripples will dare to listen to their own hearts, shine their light, and move toward who they are meant to be.  Creating ever more ripples.

I hope.

So, I will move onward toward who I am meant to be, daring to shine my light.  Won’t you join me?


Today’s Prompt:

Dear One, let’s have a Brilliant Conversation!  Two questions – What do you dream of doing?  What’s stopping you?

Take the first step on your path.  Each step you take will create ripples in your world.

Let’s see what you can create!  It’s Time!


Everything we do creates a ripple.  What ripples will you choose to create?