Honoring Our Own Self, Dear Creator!

There’s been a slick frozen mix overnight, but temperatures are supposed to warm this morning, transitioning the precipitation over to all rain.  We’ll see.

What does it mean – to honor one’s self – Dear One?

Too often, we believe it’s our duty to satisfy everyone around us; to meet their expectations and do all we can to make them happy.  Partly, we also believe this is how we win their approval and make ourselves feel valued.

Whose duty, then, is it to tend to our happiness?  Who is supposed to know what we want and need, and do all in their power to deliver that to us?

To honor one’s own self, Dear One, is to accept and celebrate the responsibility and inquiry for our own satisfaction.

When we honor our own self, we drop the fractured system that directs us to believe that others will know us and what we need better than we know ourselves; that they will make us feel well and whole; and, that they will love us, when we don’t love ourselves.

When we honor ourselves, we also drop the other end of that fractured system – that we must figure everyone else out, and what they need; and, that it is our duty to somehow provide all of that to everyone; or else, we will not be loved.

It’s no wonder this fractured belief system feels like a constant, unending chase.  It’s a chase that we’ll never win, and too easily lose.

It also allows us to avoid being responsible for ourselves, while diluting our satisfaction and perceived value in the impossible tasks of pleasing everyone else and chasing their approval.

So – What does it feel like to honor one’s self, Dear One?

It is a sacred, holy experience to do self-inquiry; to make the time and space to answer the most fundamental questions – Who am I?  What matters to me?  What are my dreams?  What do I want to do?  What am I meant to do with this life I’ve been given?

These are powerful questions.  When we honor our self by asking and answering these questions, and then making choices that take us further down Our Path of Purpose, we make ourselves Whole.  When we honor our self, and pursue Our Divine Purpose, we open the gate of joy and satisfaction.  We have the power to do that; we alone.  And, we also invite others to seek their Path, and find their gate.


Today’s Prompt:

“To thine own self be true.”

Dear One, it may seem impossible to be able to make yourself happy and fulfilled.  It’s not – but, I don’t want you to take my word for it.

Think of your dearest friend.  Think of how much you wish for her/his happiness.

Have you ever realized that no matter how much you do for her/him, s/he can never be fully happy unless s/he opens her/his heart fully to that happiness; until s/he believes s/he is worthy and deserving?

When you have realized that, know it is a message of truth, from your heart, meant for you, too.


Accepting responsibility to Fulfill My Purpose!  Onward, Dear Guides!