So, I’m curious how you feel about this topic I raised—the belief that you can do ANYTHING.

Now that you’ve had a few days to consider it, and I’ve introduced the idea that to be at your BEST and MOST CREATIVE self, you need to practice self-care and well-being, like getting enough rest…

…I wonder where you see yourself in the world of you as CREATOR and ACHIEVER.


Did your head immediately say “Pfft.  Impossible!”  And, are your thoughts still there?

Or, perhaps there have been moments of wonder—“What if?”  Maybe even memories back to a time or three when you’ve experienced the surprising light and awareness of—“Wow!  I did THAT!?!”

Or, did you know the truth of my words even before you finished reading them?  Have you been walking through your life courageously, sharing your heart and shining your light?


Maybe you’re somewhere in the middle—you feel the truth in your gut; or, there’s hope in your heart that it could be true that you can do ANYTHING.  You just haven’t figured out how to do it; how to live daringly and boldly.  You didn’t know you could give yourself permission to share your hopes and ask for guidance.


If you are already living fiercely—AWESOME!!!  And, CARRY ON!

If you have been feeling stuck and unfulfilled, and this idea stirs your heart—consider it an experiment.  You’ve been using the belief that you CAN’T do anything.  How about giving this new belief a try?

And, if your brain tells you over and over again, every time you even glance at what I’m sharing, “IMPOSSIBLE!”  Well, I DARE you to give believing in yourself a try, and PROVE ME WRONG.


Life Coach, Life Guide, and Co-Conspirator.  It’s what I do.