I spent this past week with a group of very powerful, magical women.  It was the culmination of a seven month-long journey together, deepening our craft in our training as Master Coaches.

A remarkable thing happened for me on this journey.  I was received by these magnificent ladies as an equal.  As one of them said to me, “I never think of you as anything but one of us women.”  To me, this is the highest compliment.

On the last day of our retreat, I shared with these ladies how honored I was to be received by them, and how much I appreciated the safe space in which I could express the full and whole me—a kind and tender man.

For the first time, I didn’t need to “man up” or act tough.  I could simply be the thoughtful, sensitive man that I am.

I learned from these women that there is a huge need for this kind of man in the world.  They informed me how safe they felt in our relationship, and how much they valued my ability to openly and honestly express my guy perspective.

So, let me ask you women reading this—

What questions about men would you love answered?

What dynamics and behaviors do you want to understand better?

What never seems to make sense about the guy in your life?


Please ask your questions, and we’ll build a conversation to better understanding.  I’m designing a program around the questions you women have about the men in your lives.  I will host a series of four live weekly calls, where I will briefly introduce a theme that has emerged from the questions submitted, and then we’ll have some live coaching conversations, giving us a safe space to discuss and explore.  This is a chance for you to be heard in an open-minded and open-hearted discussion.

Obviously, it isn’t possible to answer every question in depth on a live call, but I have found that very often on group calls, one person’s question, and the exploration that ensues, can provide a lot of helpful information for everyone.

It all starts by submitting your questions.  I will be following up soon with the details of the program.

I think it’s time we improve the dialogue and build a bridge of connection and understanding—On Men and Relationships.


So—what’s your question?