Unequivocal: leaving no doubt; clear, unambiguous; unquestionable

For my life and my business, I am deeply guided by my heart, spirit, and conscience. I feel things deeply, and I care deeply. My clients value and depend upon my honest, generous, and caring feedback and support.

I have learned to lead with my heart. I feel my truth in my body; and, I have learned to listen to my body, even when my brain is trying to protect me from truths that are uncomfortable or shameful.

The white body supremacy and institutional racism of the United States and the world is one such truth. Opening my eyes to it is not easy. It’s a lot easier to turn off the news, or change the channel, or turn the page–and not feel uncomfortable; not feel ashamed to have not seen it before. Or, rather, to know I have seen it, and to have simply lied to myself that it wasn’t really what it looked and felt like–that white bodies were disempowering, disadvantaging, and disenfranchising people of culture. That, in fact, white bodies were persecuting, imprisoning, and even executing other humans simply because of the color of their skin. Because white bodies could. Because they believed they were entitled to it.

I’m a soul-led business owner. I believe everyone deserves the opportunity and support to reach their fullest life and purpose. At the same time, I believe, to paraphrase Maya Angelou: I must do the best I can until I know better. Then, when I know better, I am committed to doing better.

In this moment, I feel the necessity to be clear: I expect this of my clients, my colleagues, my co-conspirators, and anyone with whom I collaborate or create, as well. Meaning, if you are doing your best to look at yourself and your role in a racist culture, you’re doing your best to figure things out, and you are committed to doing better, then you are someone with whom I can work.

Black Lives Matter. Racism exists, institutional racialization is hurting us all, and people of culture have suffered and continue to suffer in this system of white body supremacy.

So–if you see the phrase Black Lives Matter above, and you’re now itching to explain it away to me…you don’t belong here. I will not expend my time or energy with you while you refuse to open up to how humans with melanin are viewed and treated horribly in this world we all share. And, I will not allow you to minimize, threaten, or endanger anyone within or associated with my business or programs.

I have pledged, and I am committed to: taking action to call out racist beliefs, actions, and behaviors; and, creating an anti-racist environment that is safe and equitable for Black people, Indigenous people, and people of color–both in my business and in my personal life. This is an ongoing mission, and I will continue to share about my efforts and actions.

Folks who are committed to doing better: Welcome. I’m excited to learn and move forward together. This is our sacred work.