Have you ever had someone ask you what you believe your current purpose is?

This is such a powerful question. I find myself returning to this question, again and again: What do I believe my current purpose is?

One of the things I love is the use of the word current. I love that this question, using this word, assumes time and change as part of the equation. It invites us to consider this question anew, with the possibility, and maybe even the expectation, that our answer has shifted. That our purpose has changed; that it has grown and evolved along with ourselves.

I also love that the question asks us to determine for ourselves what we believe our purpose is. All too often, these kinds of internal questions get outsourced to the everybody, and we surrender our answers to the default norms and expectations defined by our society. When we try to fit in and fit the mold society expects of us, when we strive for people to value and approve of us, when we seek to earn people’s respect by being who they want us to be—we lose ourselves and our self-respect.

And, ultimately, I love the foundational question of purpose. To me, the question of purpose goes way beyond asking what we are skilled at, what others appreciate about us, or simply what we enjoy doing. Purpose is the place where our innate gifts and talents intersect with our service to others. It is an honoring and activation of both our divine self-expression and universal love.

For me, coaching is my purpose. Nothing fills me up as much as helping someone find their purpose; helping them find their own answers to these kinds of powerful questions. 

And I love helping people look beyond society’s definitions of purpose and success to the answers inside themselves. To not blindly follow the beliefs and programming that have been handed down to us from generation after generation; but to consider, in this moment, what is working for us, and what is not. And, most importantly, who and how we truly and authentically want and need to be. 

The intersection of your gifts and talent with service. The intersection of your divine self-expression with universal love.

Does this resonate with you? If so, take the next step and click on this link to schedule a free Strategy Session, and Let’s Talk!

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