Which Way?

I believe our values are a big component of our personal navigation system in life. It so often is those values that we appreciate and respect, and that we intend and aspire to, that guide us when making choices from the routine and mundane to the huge and life changing. 

So, how well do we know these values of ours? How precisely have we defined and vetted these guideposts and compass headings of our life?

We inherit and absorb a great deal of our value content as we grow up. Stories and fables, media, and life experiences. We are often told a story, and then given a value breakdown of the situation. “The boy cried ‘Wolf’ so many times that the villagers no longer believed him, so when the wolf really did come, all the sheep died.” 

Through all this content, we build up a big index of “good” and “bad” values. And, of course, we aspire to be all things good. Generally.

The thing is life is often complex and messy. Too often, we find ourselves in a situation where we can go in one direction to honor one value, but we must choose a different direction to honor a different value. Any choice means leaving some value unserved, unfulfilled.

That can feel yucky. And create internal conflict, especially when we must choose quickly.

I do value exercises with my clients, to guide them deeper into the intentionality and meaning of their set of values. Once they have spent time with the values they value, they can better articulate what their values mean to them, and why they have chosen them.

When life starts going sideways and things feel hard, it can be more clear and direct to take value-guided action rather than trying to strategize about all the missing and moving pieces and everybody’s emotions to guess about some perfect action.

Following the guidance of your values will always point you in a good direction, for a reason you can get behind.

What are your Top 3 Values that guide you through life? Share them in the comments!

And if you’re looking for some coaching, or want to do some value work, drop me a note or sign up for a free Strategy Session!

Until next time…
