For each of us, our life is a journey. We start out with the whole world in front of us, able to go in any direction we choose. At least, that’s what we are told to believe.

Really, though, there are many ideas and beliefs that are given to us, either directly or indirectly, on purpose or not. Beliefs from our family, from the community around us, and from society at large and the systems in place.

More and more, who we are expected to be as men, and even how masculinity itself is defined, often does not fit well with many of the men I know.

How do we resolve this ill fit, these contradictions? By shedding these outdated pictures of masculinity–of domination and control, of power over, of insensitive, angry, and raging males who can’t control their temper or their temptations.

The men I know have good hearts, and they want to do good in the world. They also realize that because of the programming we receive as boys, and the messages and examples we see in our society all the time, there is a lot of unlearning needed. We have lived all of our lives so far receiving a great amount of privilege because we present as males, and we understand that if we really want to change ourselves and the world, we need to spend the rest of our lives consciously noticing that privilege , and making appropriate choices.

These are not simple notions. The terrain gets complex and complicated. So, it takes practice to start figuring things out. It takes courage, to be willing to receive feedback without getting defensive. It takes humility, to decline privilege we are accustomed to, even without request. It takes integrity, to acknowledge and account for when our good intentions cause harmful impacts.

With Men’s Work @SunriseJourneys, Courageous Men who want to do better and be better can get 1:1 Coaching to explore a new path for themselves. Each man begins anew creating their own personal narrative about who they are, what matters to them, and who they want to be in the world. This is a space for you to discover your true, authentic self and to explore how he walks through the world.

We are also creating a community where men gather together, sharing ideas of change as well as the challenges we face and are working through.

One of the most important things you will discover at Sunrise Journeys is that you are not alone.

In individual work and in groups, we’ll explore strategies and solutions—like mindset work, mindfulness meditation, accountability partners, and practices of forgiveness and gratitude.

If you want to find out more about Men’s Work, you can sign up for a complimentary Zoom Strategy Session to learn more, here: Courageous Men Strategy Session

If you know Men’s Work is for you, in-person sessions are now available by appointment at: Center for Integrative Health in Hanover, NH: Coaching for Courageous Men, 1:1 Coaching Session, In-Person

Or schedule a virtual coaching session via Zoom: Coaching for Courageous Men, 1:1 Coaching Session via Zoom

If you know a Courageous Man you think would be interested in Men’s Work @sunrisejourneys, please share this post with him.

Men, let’s do this courageous work and set ourselves free to be good and happy, and to change the world!