One of my primary goals when writing is to connect with you, the reader. I hope what I’m sharing resonates with you in some way, that you find it entertaining or informative, and that it provokes further thoughts and reflections.

Another goal I have is to always speak to you from my heart, to share what I’m thinking and feeling in an authentic and transparent way.

Certainly, personal growth and transformation are a primary focus of this space. In addition, I often offer a perspective on how coaching can support and optimize your best efforts in achieving your transformation goals.

One of the intriguing challenges I face is that there are two versions of you I want to reach. 

There is Present-Day You. You, who is doing your best, but you feel like you just can’t get ahead or catch a break. You, who is dissatisfied with where you are but also struggling with feeling stuck and wondering how to make changes that really matter.  You, who feels lonely and isolated but has not been taught how to open up and share that vulnerable, sensitive side of yourself.

Present-Day You is likely feeling emotions you’ve never been taught how to feel. Instead, you were probably taught to suppress and deny any emotions that make you feel vulnerable, thereby leaving you with no healthy outlet. As a result, you may be turning to unhealthy numbing and avoiding strategies, ranging from procrastination or isolation to binge-watching or over-eating to self-medicating and addiction.

Things get really tricky for us right here. Because, when I’m spot-on about how you feel and what you’re going through, it’s going to make you feel totally vulnerable and exposed, and that’s going to trigger your retreat and defend impulses.

How do I know? Because I’ve lived a great deal of my life right there. I get it. It stinks, and it hurts.


…there’s only one way out.

Which brings us to Future You. You, who confidently expresses and shares your whole self. You, who has learned to experience your full range of emotions without shutting down. You, courageous enough to feel vulnerable, because you know that’s where you are most authentic and where you connect with other thoughtful, compassionate souls.

Future You might have some different friends. Or will, for the first time in a long time, have close friends. Relationships where there is mutual respect and safety, so it doesn’t feel quite as scary to be vulnerable.

Future You will spend your time differently. You will put your attention to your purpose and passions. You will follow your heart and your values. You won’t be seeking validation from others as you live more truly to yourself.

Future You will honor yourself: your health, your spirit, your heart, and your energy. You will do things that nourish you and bring you deep joy.

Future You will love your life.

And the tricky part with this message is that this may sound like too big a leap right now. Like this isn’t possible for you.

In one way, you’re right.

Who you are right now, Present-Day You—if you aren’t willing to let him go and leave him behind, then Future You will keep moving further away. 

But, even if you can’t quite believe you can actually become Future You, because you can’t see all the steps to get from here to there…

…if you can at least embrace hope for becoming Future You…

…that is the seed you can plant. And, by planting, and then tending that seed—with tenderness, consistency, and dedication—you will indeed change.

Have you ever looked at an acorn and been amazed to know it has the full potential locked inside it to become a mighty oak?

All that Present-Day You needs right now is a seed of hope that you, too, have that full potential and can unlock it to become the fullest expression of Future You. Just like that mighty oak.

Need help finding that seed, or unlocking that full potential? Sign up for a complimentary Discovery Session and let’s talk about it!