by Ray DePaola | Sep 28, 2017 | Life Coaching
There’s where we are right now and where we want to be. Or, who we are right now and who we wish to be. Or, how. There’s always a gap between the life we have and the life we wish to live. That is the exact thing that generates the energy of life. With each...
by Ray DePaola | Sep 23, 2017 | Life Coaching
I was out paddling today. It was a beautiful day—unseasonably warm, hardly any breeze, and not a cloud in the sky. It was just me, another kayaker, a paddleboarder, and a few folks out fishing. And quite a few ducks. It’s been a while since I’ve been out on the...
by Ray DePaola | Sep 22, 2017 | Life Coaching
So, I’m curious how you feel about this topic I raised—the belief that you can do ANYTHING. Now that you’ve had a few days to consider it, and I’ve introduced the idea that to be at your BEST and MOST CREATIVE self, you need to practice self-care and well-being, like...
by Ray DePaola | Sep 21, 2017 | Life Coaching
A Good Rest, Dear One. Do you know that sensation when you wake in the morning feeling WELL-RESTED, you feel like you can absolutely access your FULL POTENTIAL, and you feel READY TO DO ANYTHING? Now, before you roll your eyes at me, sarcastically thinking “Yeah,...
by Ray DePaola | Sep 20, 2017 | Life Coaching
Yesterday, I talked about CLAIMING YOUR PASSION and doing what you love BECAUSE YOU LOVE IT. I talked about feeling the freedom to try anything, and asked WHY NOT start doing the things that bring you the MOST JOY, SATISFACTION, and FULFILLMENT? And these ideas...
by Ray DePaola | Sep 19, 2017 | Life Coaching
Hopefully, the notion that you can do ANYTHING offers you a sense of freedom. Doesn’t it feel more free than believing there are only certain things you are ALLOWED to do, or are ABLE to do? WE ARE FREE WHEN WE TAP INTO THE LIMITLESS. For most of us, though, we’ve...
by Ray DePaola | Sep 18, 2017 | Life Coaching
I have a hunch about you. I have a hunch I think you can do just about anything you can imagine. Now, most of the stuff you could try to do, you most likely wouldn’t excel at on your first try. It would be messy. Not pretty. It would feel like it took too long. ...
by Ray DePaola | Aug 15, 2017 | Life Coaching
Coaches think they are better than everybody else and have all the answers; how can that help me? First, I will say that not all coaches are the same. Still, some coaches do present themselves as experts, offering their personal “hell-and-back” survival stories and...
by Ray DePaola | Aug 10, 2017 | Life Coaching
If I’m smart enough, resourceful enough, and good enough, shouldn’t I be able to fix “my stuff” myself? I want to ask you to consider your question this way—if you don’t fix “your stuff” yourself, is that proof that you are not smart enough, resourceful...
by Ray DePaola | Aug 9, 2017 | Life Coaching
How can coaching help me? When you’ve been following “The Rules” and doing what you’ve been told to do your whole life, yet you don’t like where it’s gotten you and where you’ve wound up—unhappy, unsatisfied, and unfulfilled—well, then it’s time for a...
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