My Daily Gratitude—01/21/2013

Snow has begun to fall. The forecast considers a possibility of decent accumulation overnight. We are hopeful. This blog is entitled “Daily,” but it’s been a while since I posted any gratitude. I want to get back into the practice. So, I thought I...

My Daily Gratitude–01/12/2013

Got in another good run today, attended an exciting, inspiring 90-minute webinar with constructive visionary info (Visionary Ignition Switch: 10 Red Hot Secrets to Fire Up Your Message, Money & Meaning in the World), picked up a couple DVD’s from the local...

The Heart’s Capacity

I have a big, beautiful, courageous heart that empowers me to love. So strong is this heart, that it has the capacity to love even when I am afraid, angry, lost, or disillusioned. In fact, this grand heart compels me to love despite my fears, angers, and doubts. I...

My Daily Gratitude–01/09/2013

Another day, another opportunity for growth, love, and connection.  Went for another run, did some work around the house, and some work on the website.  Sometimes a day seems “just ordinary,” but that doesn’t have to feel like a bad thing. First,...

My Daily Gratitude–01/03/2013

I feel taking some time each day to reflect and find appreciation in my day has helped me tune in to the kindness and compassion within me and around me.  To acknowledge each day’s blessings is like filling a chest with magnificent treasures.  When I am down,...

My Daily Gratitude–01/02/2013

Had a very productive and energizing meeting with a fellow coach, and I’m excited about the direction things are moving. Making plans for the first half of 2013. Also spent today, and will spend time the next few days, working on nuts-bolts of the website. I put...