January 5, 2016—Day 4 (WD 285)

Good Morning, Creator!  Here we are joining to create another new day.  What will it hold?  Ha – I don’t know! The world of “don’t know” is the beginner’s mind, a learner’s mind.  It’s not a bad place to be. The truth is, there is so much in our world we don’t know,...

Which Way Do I Go?

There’s a sensibility that has been settling in with me, having to do with balance.  Growing up, I somehow acquired a strong belief that there were absolute truths, and most situations boiled down to a pretty simple yes or no, determined by one of these...

Return and SOTD–03/07/2013

Greetings and Salutations!!! I know it’s been a while since I’ve posted.  Of course, you may not have even noticed. 🙂  Simply stated, real life brought up changes and challenges that required my energy and focus.  I’m now in the process of...