Amanda’s Camino

  I have a good friend who is moments away from embarking on something really big.  And I am really proud of her.  But nervous for her, too. You see, my friend Amanda is setting off to walk her Camino.  Some of you may be familiar with the pilgrims’ route el...

Snowfall and Sandals

 I’ve been awake since quarter past three this morning.  I think I was just excited to see our first “real” snowfall of the season here.  I padded around the dark house looking out the windows, in order to see everything draped in the white of the new-fallen snow. I...

Celebratory 55’s

One morning, a few days ago, I checked up on the statistics for the Sunrise Journeys website, and I was delighted to see that the views of all the posts, pages, and pictures totaled 5,555.  Beyond the value and appreciation I have for being connected with a...

My Bigger Openness

If your life unfolds anything like mine, events, interactions, and circumstances pop up unannounced, unforeseen, and mostly unwanted.  For the most part, I have been trying to practice a way of acceptance and resourcefulness that allows me to be present with the...

Flip The Coin!

Often, we are faced with choices of whether to do or not do.  We struggle and hesitate, even when one choice offers the potential for a really favorable outcome.  Why do we hesitate, why struggle? It’s like flipping a coin.  Let’s say heads represents...