April 12, 2016—Day 102 (WD 383)

Dear Universe, Thank you for this day! Here we are again.  Each morning, and each day, can seem so much the same as the last.  Especially when we don’t look too closely.  When we tell ourselves that each day is like the last, each week like the last, each year…  Well,...

March 11, 2016—Day 70 (WD 351)

Brightest Creator, Thank You for Another Day! Today I am grateful for – The cardinals that sat below my window this morning, chirping their greetings to the day, and maybe to me. All the songs of all the other birds, twirling and blending this morning. The ability,...

A Grade for Today

I had a conversation with a gentleman earlier today, and I thought I would share it here.  I’m hoping you find it worthwhile, as well as entertaining.  I got a lot from our chat, really enjoyed it, and have been carrying it with me since. I was working my retail job...

How We Do What We Do

I attended a workshop this morning.  Although it was a rather early start on another cold morning in New England, the turnout was good, to the point that organizers had to keep adding chairs to keep up.  Apparently a hot topic, the workshop was entitled “Growing Sales...

My Place of Vulnerability

I have been making an effort to be open and honest.  This comes from my desire to live authentically, and to cultivate pure relationships with others.  I believe this can only happen by revealing and unabashedly sharing my failings and imperfections, as well as my...