October 7, 2016—Day 280 (WD 561)

Brightness, Abundant Universe! We have fog and cool temperatures this morning, but it’s supposed to clear and hit the high 70’s this afternoon.  Tomorrow, reality returns, with showers and a stretch of significantly cooler temperatures. I had a conversation with...

October 4, 2016—Day 277 (WD 558)

Good Morning, Dear Creator – We had dark, cloudy skies this morning, with a splash of brightness to the south, before the clouds overtook that, as well. I’m not feeling 100% this morning, waking early with a headache that is still lingering.  That’s unusual for me –...

September 26, 2016—Day 269 (WD 550)

Dear One, First, let me acknowledge the long gap since my last post.  I have been writing, but I was choosing rest and space over posting.  And, frankly, once I was out of the habit; well, setting aside time to post seemed more difficult and less inviting. But, I have...

January 10, 2016—Day 9 (WD 290)

Greetings, Creator! Well, there’s not much of the morning left, this morning.  Certainly, not compared to the last couple days.  Nonetheless, I appreciate joining with you, Creator, and opening myself to bright insight and inspiration. There’s quite a change with...

A Grade for Today

I had a conversation with a gentleman earlier today, and I thought I would share it here.  I’m hoping you find it worthwhile, as well as entertaining.  I got a lot from our chat, really enjoyed it, and have been carrying it with me since. I was working my retail job...