Songs of the Day–01/19/2013

Throughout the week, I found myself with a couple different songs in my head.  One was Pink Floyd’s Another Brick In The Wall.  The other, when I was perhaps in a more meditative and contemplative state, was James Galway/Hiro Fujikake’s The Enchanted...

My Daily Gratitude–01/12/2013

Got in another good run today, attended an exciting, inspiring 90-minute webinar with constructive visionary info (Visionary Ignition Switch: 10 Red Hot Secrets to Fire Up Your Message, Money & Meaning in the World), picked up a couple DVD’s from the local...

My Daily Gratitude–12/11/2012

A wonderful run today, through the local woods.  The sky was slate gray, with brooding clouds, occasionally illuminated by shafts of sunlight.  Sparrows and chickadees flitted about, from branch to branch and tree to tree.  Even a robin and flicker streaked down the...