September 4, 2016—Day 247 (WD 528)

Blessings, My Divine Spark! It’s another foggy morning; dark and mystical.  I think I long ago learned what events create this morning fog, especially at this time of year; but I can’t recall.  There’s some relationship to the changing temperatures – so warm during...

September 2, 2016—Day 245 (WD 526)

Radiance, Dear Creator! I watched the sun rise above the eastern horizon this morning, behind a thick scattering of clouds.  Those clouds thickened and settled in, eventually hiding the sun; from that, the sun’s light kissed the undersides of those clouds, creating a...

June 1, 2016—Day 152 (WD 433)

Welcome, New Morning! We begin again, Dear Creator.  Cup of coffee, sun shining, and clear skies. I talk all the time about choices – the realization that our whole day is made up of moments of choice; ownership that the direction of our day and our present reality is...

January 17, 2016—Day 16 (WD 297)

Top of the Morning, Creator! Yesterday marked a transition point into a couple days off; so, I’ll admit it; I did have a bit of a “Just get ‘er done” attitude.  But, I guess you dad other plans, Great Spirit.  You brought this pretty snowfall, and the morning had a...