February 10, 2016—Day 40 (WD 321)

It’s Here, Great Spirit! The start of a new day.  Always – each moment – can be the first step of a new journey.  This world, and my life, holds unlimited possibilities and seemingly impossible dreams.  You encourage me to dream big; to dissolve my limiting beliefs;...

January 31, 2016—Day 30 (WD 311)

Good Morning, Dear Creator! This morning, the sun rose before I did; at least by a little bit.  But, there is much I look to do this day; and, as with all things, getting started is an important beginning step. How I start my morning, these pages, and my day is a...

January 9, 2016—Day 8 (WD 289)

Good Morning Great Spirit! Onward to the adventures of this new day!  What wonders will I encounter; what opportunities will I be presented?  May my cup of knowledge have room for learning, and may my heart be filled with love. This is a new day!  May I grasp the...

Turtle & Lama: Within me

I uncovered this realization as I continue my study of Purpose.  There was a time in my life when I did not know myself very well, and I didn’t dare to stop and find out, afraid what I might discover.  As for Purpose, that was a far distant hill too abstract to...

A Practice of Purpose

I have discovered that living a purpose-driven life is not always easy.  For me, it has required mindful intention-setting as a regular practice. Because, while it is helpful to spend some time and focus on the small-part gear-mashing that occurs on a daily basis,...