April 10, 2016—Day 100 (WD 381)

Greetings to the New Day, Sweet Universe! The robins have been out in force for the last couple weeks, and there are buds on many of the trees.  I wonder if the plants and animals around here are as perplexed and stressed as the people seem to be. It looks inviting...

March 31, 2016—Day 90 (WD 371)

Peace, Dear Universe – Welcoming the new day, Creator!  Today is a day I need to rest and catch up.  I have writing to do, and some cleaning, and dreaming and creating with my creating joy program. You know – the basic duties I talked about yesterday.  So, I walk...

February 27, 2016—Day 57 (WD 338)

Dear Compassionate Creator, Thank you for this bright day; the cold, clear night; and the rest I received within both.  You are generous with All you offer; yet, I continue to be stingy about what I allow myself. Dear Guides, please help me.  Help me to be more...


My Daily Gratitude… So fortunate to have My Buddy who did an amazing job of walking me through My Ideal Day, sticking with me to explore and play with possibilities. My generous wife, giving me space and sharing time to allow me to do my work today. Gaining...