May 4, 2016—Day 124 (WD 405)

Blessings, Glorious Universe! My journey continues, the path unfolding as I go, created by how I go.  The way I see it, my attitude and intention carve out my path.  Or, maybe it’s that my attitude and intention affect the way I perceive this path I’m on. I think both...

April 27, 2016—Day 117 (WD 398)

Good Day, Shining Sun! Wow – what a gorgeous blue sky, with just the most perfect white, puffy clouds.  I think I was ready for a day like today. Yesterday was gray and overcast, with a good portion of the day filled with snow flurries.  I walked a new trail in the...

Celebratory 55’s

One morning, a few days ago, I checked up on the statistics for the Sunrise Journeys website, and I was delighted to see that the views of all the posts, pages, and pictures totaled 5,555.  Beyond the value and appreciation I have for being connected with a...