strong enoughSo, in between a few other appointments, I ran to the grocery store to pick up some milk and a few other “essentials” before the big storm.  I suppose it goes without saying, but it was beyond busy.  The line waiting for registers ran completely up one aisle and down another.  To put it mildly, people were exasperated and frustrated.

I was just picking up the few items, so I was fortunately able to jump in the “Express” line.  Even that was 3 lines long with about 10 people each.  It moved fairly quickly, considering, and the woman at the register said it had been this busy since 6 A.M.  She and her coworkers were certainly doing their best, and exhibiting a great degree of patience and thick skin.  I thanked her and the bagger who assisted.

As I headed back to my car, far away from the entrance of the store, I came upon someone indicating to an older woman driver an available parking spot.  It seemed she was going to pull into that spot, but then pulled into an alternate spot in the opposite row.  And, it just so happened that a man had been already moving toward backing up to get to that spot.  My guess is that with all the hustle and bustle, the woman hadn’t even noticed the man’s car or intention.

Well, I heard the man start yelling toward the woman, so I slid behind his car to where he leaned out his open window and just said, “Sir, there’s a spot right here for you,” indicating the spot the woman had abandoned.  His mood changed instantly, and he thanked me.  I then moved to block the spot until he was lined up to it.  Luckily, as it was, because as he backed up farther, another person coming forward was moving toward the spot until they saw me reserving it.  The gentleman was pulling in, so I went on my way.

A young woman talking on her cell phone and walking toward the store shouted over to me, “That was wicked nice of you.”

And she made me feel like a hero!