January 7, 2016—Day 6 (WD 287)

Dear Creator, Every day I try to open these pages by appreciating some beauty or gift that I experienced the day before, or in the present.  Or, if the day before presented particularly difficult challenges, I look for a lesson, sometimes simply the reminder that I...

January 6, 2016—Day 5 (WD 286)

Good Morning, Great Spirit!  Quite a view out our window, as the day dawned.  Clear sky, not a cloud in sight.  Crescent moon high in the sky with a trailing planet, as the horizon brightens in dull orange-yellow hues.  It brings to my mind the image on the South...

January 5, 2016—Day 4 (WD 285)

Good Morning, Creator!  Here we are joining to create another new day.  What will it hold?  Ha – I don’t know! The world of “don’t know” is the beginner’s mind, a learner’s mind.  It’s not a bad place to be. The truth is, there is so much in our world we don’t know,...

January 4, 2016—Day 3 (WD 284)

Greetings, Great Spirit!  It’ still dark, before sunrise; but today is predicted to be a true Winter day – single digit temperature most of the day, wind chill below zero. I love the raw and direct feeling of the cold.  When I am able, I enjoy getting out for a walk,...

January 3, 2016—Day 2 (WD 283)

Good Morning, Creator!  Thank you for the beauty and wonderful synergy I experienced yesterday!  But, there were parts of yesterday that were pretty tough.  Just the way life is, a lot of the time, right?  And this morning is proof that I survived it.  I also did my...