Sunrise Pages May

Good Morning, Dear Creator –

Everything is still and calm this morning.  As I sit, soaking it in, The Eagles’ “Peaceful, Easy Feeling” comes to mind.

I say “soaking it in.”  Do you know what I mean?  I came and sat by the window, coffee and clipboard nearby, feeling neither peaceful, nor easy.

I looked out on this view that I get from where I now call home – a dull morning brightness, created by waves and layers of cloud cover above the tree tops and mountains.  I register the stillness and calm, but it’s separate; I am outside of it.

I sit and want to soak it in – like a dry sponge submerged in a sink of warm water – I don’t want to just be surrounded by it; I want to absorb it fully into my pores, swelling and being made full and warm with it.

This is a part of my deep practice, of slowing down and being present.  To not just notice the wonders around me, to not just observe beauty, peace, or kindness; but, to take time with that experience, willing myself open, and offering my open heart to absorb the beauty, the wonder, the kindness, and peace.

This is the fullness and richness of my life.  I have no desire or need to cram my day with a flurry of activity, commitments, and promises.  I’ve learned that, for me, that creates stress, and I recognize that I’m chasing after someone else’s approval and validation.

In each moment, holding just one thing is exactly enough for me.  To be in that moment fully – focused, playing, practicing, learning, in full joy – is exactly enough.

Even when that one thing is simply looking out the window, absorbing Peace and Ease!


You can try this Prompt today:

As you sit in meditation practice, notice how often your mind brings up something other than your breath and whatever you are attending.  Maybe it’s something on your to-do list, or rehearsing a conversation you will have later in the day, or replaying an argument from last night.

When you notice this pull from your mind, acknowledge it, and just ask your mind to hold onto it for a few minutes, promising that you will be back and can worry about it soon enough.

Count with your fingers how many sidetrack thoughts come up in 5 or 10 minutes of meditation.

It’s not a contest, and you don’t get a gold medal for having the fewest distractions.  For each of us, different days will be better and worse.  The more aware you are, though, the more readily you’ll steer yourself back on-course, enabling you to be the sponge soaking in those peaceful, easy feelings.


Within each moment is Joy – What can be more fulfilling and worthwhile than that?  Thank you, Dear Spirit Guides!