November 27, 2016—Day 331 (WD 612)

Transformation, Powerful Creator! It is thickly overcast, the pavement is wet with puddles, and I can see water droplets glistening as they hang off nearby tree branches, empty of all but a few straggling, dried-up leaves. Forward momentum, Dear One. Motivation....

November 26, 2016—Day 330 (WD 611)

Peace, Great Creator! It’s another foggy fall morning.  There is no wind, and everything is still.  Just about all the traces of snow are gone, transformed into vapor and part of the fog. Yesterday was Black Friday – my second one at Bean.  There’s a part of me that...

November 25, 2016—Day 329 (WD 610)

Alight, Alight, Precious Light! We slept soundly in our own bed last night, back from our Thanksgiving road trip.  We had mixed precipitation and icy conditions on our drive back, so my wife and I took back roads and just took our time.  We arrived home safe and...

November 24, 2016—Day 328 (WD 609)

Happy Thanksgiving, Generous Universe! My wife and I drove down to CT together yesterday.  It wasn’t what I had planned. One of the characteristics I recognize in myself is that I still get disgruntled and out-of-sorts when my plans change.  This is especially true...

November 23, 2016—Day 327 (WD 608)

The Holidays, Dear Universe! I’m up early, for no reason other than I awoke at 3:30 a.m. and haven’t been able to fall back asleep.  I still feel tired, and I’ve been pretty exhausted, so this is kind of a drag. A part of it, I suspect, is because of the plans of the...