
Today, My Happiness is…Generous Friends!   My heart is filled with gratitude.  My wife and I are beginning a new chapter, and we have the good fortune to be able to ask our friends for their support and counsel.  We reached out, and they have responded...


Today, My Happiness is…Composing Correspondence. While running to appointments and doing other weekly tasks, I took the time to write out some Birthday Wishes and Thank You Notes.  A great way to spend time focusing on loved ones, and letting them know they are...

My Daily Gratitude–02/13/2013

I am truly amazed at the connection and sharing I have experienced with my Coaching Buddy.  Two weeks ago, we were complete strangers.  By taking the time to be present with each other, through sharing and listening, we have learned a lot about each other.  I feel a...

My Daily Gratitude–02/10/2013

Gratitudes large and small, this weekend.  Neighbors who rallied together to help one another with snow removal.  Relaxing and kicking back with same neighbors, after a lot of the heavy lifting was done. A very sweet, loving wife–who makes “The...

A Real “Boston” Compliment

So, in between a few other appointments, I ran to the grocery store to pick up some milk and a few other “essentials” before the big storm.  I suppose it goes without saying, but it was beyond busy.  The line waiting for registers ran completely up one...