Men’s Need for Connection

Men’s Need for Connection

As human beings, we are all wired for connection. We all have an innate need to feel seen and heard by others, to contribute, and to know we are part of a community. For men, it has become an increasing challenge to meet this need for connection. There is an array of...
It’s Up To You!

It’s Up To You!

For our Men’s Work @sunrisejourneys, I’m working with men who are ready to work and grow. I’m not going to try and convince someone that he should want a life he loves. No. I focus my energy and attention on the men who know they want to...
What’s Getting In The Way?

What’s Getting In The Way?

In my last post, I offered some tips and prompts for reflection and intention-setting for the new year. I ended the post with this question: What is one thing you can change now to move you toward that trajectory? This is, of course, a foundational question for any...


Change is Inevitable Back in the day, when there were vending machines everywhere (there are still vending machines, aren’t there?) and people still carried change, there was a vending machine that wasn’t fully functional. On it, the proprietors had taped a sign...

Autopilot Won’t Take You Anywhere New

Have you ever been going along, only to just stop and look around, asking yourself, “How did I get here?” Maybe you meant it in the literal, 3-D sense where you had zoned out, thinking about some other thing, only to realize that your feet, or your driving, stepped in...