Rewriting Masculinity

I describe part of the Men’s Work we are doing at Sunrise Journeys as Rewriting Masculinity. So, I wanted to take a moment to talk about what that means and, more importantly, why it matters. Most of us have been programmed with a clear and rigid definition of...

Coaching for Courageous Men

So, what is the Men’s Work that we are doing here at Sunrise Journeys? We see this work as a journey of wellness and discovery for men. Here is an overview: One part of the journey is Introspection. First, by seeking answers to fundamental questions about...

Men’s Work

The way I see it, life is a journey. Each of us starts out on our own path, picks a direction to head, and then chooses each step along the way. Choice is something I bring a lot of attention to in my coaching: our power to choose for ourselves, and our acceptance of...

Seed of Self-love

Loving one’s self is so necessary on a road to recovery and to better. Self-love is something that I, too, continuously work toward, but I know deep down that we will never be able to shame or hate our way to any kind of real happiness, success, or positive impact. I...

Gifts and Responsibility

It is Independence Day 2022 in the United States, and we find this country at a crossroads. Who we are as citizens, and what we demand and stand up for, will determine the course of this country. You may be asking yourself why a life coach would venture into the...


Kindness is a core value of my coaching work. I believe it’s always appropriate, and it always helps. So, if you are looking for a “boot camp, drill sergeant” type of coach, I’m not it. I find that kindness offers space for healing, can create a more positive outlook,...