
Today, My Happiness is…that Peace and Love is Greater than Fear and Hate!!!       Peace + Love will always be Greater>>>  

Little Tug

Have you ever gotten home after a routine day in your life, and felt less than satisfied? Not a big blow up with a fellow employee, or a bad grade from a teacher, or frustration when they get your coffee order wrong.  A feeling far less dramatic, but tugging and...

The Heart’s Capacity

I have a big, beautiful, courageous heart that empowers me to love. So strong is this heart, that it has the capacity to love even when I am afraid, angry, lost, or disillusioned. In fact, this grand heart compels me to love despite my fears, angers, and doubts. I...

My Daily Gratitude–01/09/2013

Another day, another opportunity for growth, love, and connection.  Went for another run, did some work around the house, and some work on the website.  Sometimes a day seems “just ordinary,” but that doesn’t have to feel like a bad thing. First,...

My Daily Gratitude–01/03/2013

I feel taking some time each day to reflect and find appreciation in my day has helped me tune in to the kindness and compassion within me and around me.  To acknowledge each day’s blessings is like filling a chest with magnificent treasures.  When I am down,...