April 6, 2016—Day 96 (WD 377)

Good Morning, My Spirit Guides! Up early, today, indeed!  Much before sunrise.  The dark, dark of night, and today again the temperature has dropped into the teens. I am up early to go to a training today, to learn something fun and new.  It’s for the retail work I’m...

April 5, 2016—Day 95 (WD 376)

Good Morning, Universe! It’s a bright, beautiful winter morning.  A blanket of frost and snow sparkles in the sunshine.  It’s down to single digit temperatures this morning, with smoke and steam rising up in columns around town. Dear Guides – thank you for your...

April 4, 2016—Day 94 (WD 375)

Namasté, Generous Creator! The wild winds of the last couple days have died down, the cold has settled in, and outside is a beautiful, gentle snowfall.  Not much accumulation is predicted, but this morning transports me back to deep December, rather than early April....

April 3, 2016—Day 93 (WD 374)

Welcome Creator! What a magical experience yesterday was, Dear Creator!  To be well-rested, to connect with The Flow during my morning writing, and to have a short shift at my retail job, had me feeling good coming home. I then did some research about coding and...

April 2, 2016—Day 92 (WD 373)

Greetings and Welcome to Another Morning, Dear Creator! Bird Call Symphony greets me this morning, O Universe!  Or, maybe I am rested enough and steady and open enough to hear it? Today has begun differently than the last 90.  I did not type up yesterday morning’s...