July 20, 2016—Day 201 (WD 482)

  Sweet Morning Greetings, Dear Creator! Look at the wispy clouds draped lazily in this baby blue sky.  All the signs of another gorgeous day. Even when I get up, like today, by 6:30 a.m., I have long missed the sunrise.  Dear One, I just wanted you to know...

July 19, 2016—Day 200 (WD 481)

Peace and Salutations This Morning, Wondrous Creator! We had some heavy thunderstorms pass just north and south of us yesterday, as a cold front rolled in.  Today will be cooler, the high barely in the 70’s, and the blue skies are filled with some substantial...

July 18, 2016—Day 199 (WD 480)

Blessings, My Loving Creator – Waking up and starting our day back “home,” after our first night’s sleep in our own bed.  It’s a good bed, and we both slept well. This morning is beautiful – picturesque blue skies, and the sun shining.  But, the rolling fields and...

July 17, 2016—Day 198 (WD 479)

Sunset on Another Adventure, Dear Guides! Away we went for a few days, to the beautiful area around Lake Champlain.  What a wonderful time we had – making acquaintances each morning around the breakfast table of the Bed & Breakfast where we stayed, visiting some...

July 16, 2016—Day 197 (WD 478)

Celebrations, Dear Universe! It’s here!  The Fifth Anniversary of our marriage!  Who ever knew, or could imagine? It’s a nice coincidence that this anniversary falls on a Saturday, just as our wedding day did, five years ago. We had the good fortune of a clear, sunny...

July 15, 2016—Day 196 (WD 477)

Aham Prema, Glorious Creator! We are in a different place, this morning, but it’s lovely.  The sun is bright and skies are blue, and there’s a cool breeze blowing through the open windows.  Today is supposed to get steamy again, but right now it’s really nice. So,...