Some Questions

Some Questions

So, here’s a series of questions that I invite you to take a moment and ponder:  What brightens your life?What consistently brings you a sense of joy?What allows you to relax your shoulders and unclench your jaw?What makes you smile?What helps you breathe easy, take a...

December 2, 2016—Day 336 (WD 617)

Alight, Amazing Creator! A broken sky, this morning; with sunlight and blue cracking through in spots.  Once again, there was a moment of brilliant illumination, with the undersides of clouds lit up in a heavenly bright red that faded quickly a minute or so later....

October 29, 2016—Day 302 (WD 583)

Warm Considerations, Dear Universe – Another day begins damp and gray.  It’s been raining the last couple days, which we need.  So, that seems good. Many trees have lost their leaves and are bare, after the wind and rain we’ve had.  But, there’s a sugar maple right...

June 30, 2016—Day 181 (WD 462)

Blessings, Divine Creator! Thank you, Generous Universe, for a wonderful day yesterday.  We traveled many miles on foot, visiting a holy pilgrimage site during mid-day, and then stopping for lunch on the way back to where we are staying.  We got sprinkled on a bit,...

January 20, 2016—Day 19 (WD 300)

Dearest Creator, Please help me find my way in this undertaking.  This week I have early shifts, and I’m feeling tired.  I want to honor my commitment to these pages, but I’m struggling to get to other things I value, like personal correspondence, meditation, and...